Sunday, February 24, 2008

Isn't technology wonderful? - My weekend in Tahoe

Because I am new to San Francisco and don't have a broad social network yet, my weekends tend to be dull. Therefore, when my friend called on Friday afternoon to let me know that a friend backed out of their trip to Tahoe, I was more than happy to take the seat.

The weekend was great! I spent Friday night gambling and drinking free beer in the casino* until the sun came up. It has been a long time since I had one of those nights, but somehow my friends actually went skiing on Saturday morning. On the other hand, I just loafed around and wrote a blog entry. After recovering all day Saturday I was ready to go skiing on Sunday, but unfortunately there were whiteout conditions.

The reason for the title of this blog is that I am writing and posting it from the back seat of my friends truck as we inch towards a snowy mountain peak on Route 50 in California. Isn't technology wonderful?

*Sarah, you will be pleased to know that I stayed in a Wyndham resort and the experience was pretty good. ;)


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